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To volunteer, please login to your account and click on the VOLUNTEER tab.

 Follow Montvale PTO:

Montvale PTO Meetings
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 842 4671 2347
Passcode: 2ZwVy4

  • 9/10/24 @ 9am, Memorial MPR
  • 10/24/24 @ 7pm, Memorial Library & zoom - joint meeting with MEF
  • 12/03/24  @ 9am, Memorial MPR
  • 1/23/25 @ 7pm, via zoom
  • 3/6/25 @ 7pm, Fieldstone IMC & zoom - joint meeting with MEF
  • 4/29/25 @ 9am, Memorial MPR
  • 6/3/25 @ 7pm, via zoom

Membership Perks  
  • The ability to purchase PTO Hot Lunches and other sale items
  • The opportunity to volunteer for class parent and/or committees
  • The receipt of regular PTO emails  and PTO Newsletter
  • 2 PTO Directory App Keys 
  • Supports our students and schools

2024-25  Hot Lunch Vendors:

  • Marc's Deli & Pizza (MES Monday)
  • Ridgemont Pizza (FMS Monday)
  • The Pizza Parlour (Friday both schools)
  • Casa Del Sole (Friday both schools)
  • Steins Bagels (Froday both schools)

Thanks for being visitor:
since 08/03/2007

 Class Parent roles for the 2023-2024 School Year will be announced in September!

Being a Class Parent / Class Parent Coordinator allows parents to observe their child in school amongst their peers, organize celebrations for the class throughout the year and work with their child's teachers. While these positions are a great privilege, they also require several responsibilities.

Memorial 2023-2024 School Year Responsibilities of Class Parents

Memorial Class Parents have the following responsibilities:

· Should attend PTO meetings throughout the year so they can share information with parents in their classes about any upcoming events or announcements from the school administration.

· Responsible for collecting and creating information to create a class directory to be shared with the teacher and the entire class. This directory allows parents to communicate with each other and to plan playdates, birthday parties, etc. and should be created and finalized by October.

· Responsible for collecting and managing the class money received for each child. Please keep track of who has provided the money and who needs a reminder as you approach the deadline. Class Parents are responsible for handing any leftover money at the end of the school year to the PTO treasurer to earmark for that class going forward.

· Memorial Elementary does not allow edible treats for any class or birthday celebrations. Class money will be used to purchase any goodie bag materials, arts & crafts, games or activities that you use during your celebrations with the class.

· Should work with the teacher to schedule dates and times of class celebrations throughout the school year and plan, coordinate, and manage the celebration for the class. Please note that only two parents are allowed to attend a class event as per school rules.

· Required to keep student's personal information and what they observe in the classroom private and confidential. · Should share any communications received from the Memorial VP with other parents in their class.

· Will have the option to attend and serve as chaperones for class field trips.

· Share any pictures taken during class celebrations and upload and tag them for the Memorial School Yearbook.


Fieldstone 2023-2024 School Year Responsibilities of Class Parents & Class Parent Coordinators

Once students are in middle school many changes occur, including the structure of their celebrations. All parties are celebrated by the grade as a whole at lunchtime and the only parents permitted are the Class Parent Coordinators and individual homeroom Class Parents. Grades 5-8 have three school wide events. There are lunch time celebrations for Halloween, a Winter Holiday party and an End of Year Picnic that usually coincides with Field Day. In addition, a special treat of ice pops or Italian ice is usually done the last day as a special time for teachers and students that does not require parent volunteers—just drop off items in the AM.

Eighth grade parties are the same except the 8th grade has an end of year BBQ rather than a picnic, as well as a bagel breakfast the last day of school with the 8th grade team. There are additional 8th grade activities including the dance and mixer that have separate committees to plan and organize. Volunteers are always needed for these events!

FMS Class Parent/Coordinators Responsibilities:

· Should attend PTO meetings throughout the year so they can share with other parents any upcoming events or announcements from the school administration. · Keep the PTO VP for Fieldstone informed about progress, difficulties, etc. throughout the year.

· Make every effort to collect class money for students reported as uncollected by your Class Parents. A list of students whose class money is still missing should be turned over to the PTO VP for Fieldstone.

· Manage your entire grade’s class money. Turn any unused money over to the PTO Treasurer at the end of the school year to follow your class through Fieldstone. Any unused 8th grade money is added to the PTO’s general account.

· Coordinate all class parties with the Fieldstone PTO VP which includes: meeting with Team Leaders or teachers to go over plans if needed, planning, ordering, purchasing and executing events. Communicating special needs and scheduling to Class Parents.

· Required to keep students’ personal information and what you observe in the school private and confidential.