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Montvale PTO Meetings
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 842 4671 2347
Passcode: 2ZwVy4

  • 9/10/24 @ 9am, Memorial MPR
  • 10/24/24 @ 7pm, Memorial Library & zoom - joint meeting with MEF
  • 12/03/24  @ 9am, Memorial MPR
  • 1/23/25 @ 7pm, via zoom
  • 3/6/25 @ 7pm, Fieldstone IMC & zoom - joint meeting with MEF
  • 4/29/25 @ 9am, Memorial MPR
  • 6/3/25 @ 7pm, via zoom

Membership Perks  
  • The ability to purchase PTO Hot Lunches and other sale items
  • The opportunity to volunteer for class parent and/or committees
  • The receipt of regular PTO emails  and PTO Newsletter
  • 2 PTO Directory App Keys 
  • Supports our students and schools

2024-25  Hot Lunch Vendors:

  • Marc's Deli & Pizza (MES Monday)
  • Ridgemont Pizza (FMS Monday)
  • The Pizza Parlour (Friday both schools)
  • Casa Del Sole (Friday both schools)
  • Steins Bagels (Froday both schools)

Thanks for being visitor:
since 08/03/2007


Offered by the Montvale Parent Teacher Organization 


Ethel Stalter 

Ethel Stalter was Principal of the Montvale Public Schools from 1926 to 1974. She was also a life-long resident of Montvale and a descendent of Montvale’s original settlers. In 1913, at the age of 19, Mrs. Stalter began her teaching career in the one-room, School #1, on Spring Valley Road. She attended Trenton Normal School where she received a Normal School Certificate. After World War I, Mrs. Stalter graduated from the University of Chicago with a B.A. Degree in Education. She went on to receive her Master’s Degree in School Administration from New York University. After teaching in Woodcliff Lake for two years, she returned to the Montvale School System as Principal of Schools in 1926. She retired in 1960 only to return to teaching again, finally retiring in 1974 at the age of 80. In 1957, the six-room addition to Memorial School was named the Ethel Stalter Wing in recognition of her many years of service to the Montvale community. Mrs. Stalter was also credited with spearheading the drive to establish the Montvale Public Library. The original Borough Library was built on the site of School #2 where she had been Principal. 

It is with great pleasure that we, the Montvale PTO, offer the Ethel Stalter Scholarship in honor of her tireless devotion to the children of Montvale. This scholarship has been funded by the PTO since 1987 and is awarded each June. The scholarship is open to those who wish to pursue a career in service to youth that have graduated from the Montvale Public School System, specifically, Fieldstone Middle School and are graduating seniors of Pascack Hills High School. 


Ethel Stalter Scholarship 

Students planning to pursue a career with the aim of service to youth may be eligible for the Ethel Stalter Scholarship as provided by the Montvale Parent Teacher Organization. A career with the aim of service to youth may be, but certainly is not limited to, the pursuit of teaching. It may also include counseling, medicine, etc. Up to $1,000 is available for high school seniors who qualify. Applications will be reviewed with the focus on academic and extra-curricular/outside activities, character, and desire to serve. 


  1. An applicant must have graduated from the Montvale Public School System, specifically Fieldstone Middle School, and must still reside in Montvale. 
  2. The applicant must be a senior at Pascack Hills High School. 
  3. The applicant must have made an application for further studies and have a copy of their college deposit slip and/or accredited alternate post high school educational facility at the time of graduation when the Ethel Stalter Award is made. 


  1. Applications will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee with equal emphasis on the following: 
  • Academic, extracurricular and outside activities 
  • Demonstrated desire to serve 
  • Character 
  1. An interview may be requested. 
  2. The winner(s) of the award will be announced in June. 
  3. The award will be given directly to the student(s) with the understanding that it be used for the purpose represented in the application. 


The application deadline for the 2024 award is Friday, May 2, 2024. Please email the completed application to MontvalePTOScholarship@gmail.com. Questions regarding this application procedure (including any problems with submission) should be directed to the Montvale PTO Scholarship Committee Chairperson, Tania Pinto at ?(201) 788-8573? or MontvalePTOScholarship@gmail.com. Any applicant who fails to submit ALL of the required items by the deadline will not be eligible for consideration. 

  1. Complete Page A, essay. The essay should focus on how your proposed program of studies relates to the service of youth to our nation. It is important to also provide how you have incorporated service to others within your life to date. Essays should be a minimum of 150 words to a maximum of 250 words. Essays must be authentic in design and goals and must be the original work of the applicant without outside assistance. 
  2. Transcript of grades from Pascack Hills High School. 
  3. Complete PFA Application. 
  4. One recommendation from a person who would be best qualified to discuss your qualifications as it would pertain to this scholarship. This may be a teacher, supervisor, scout leader, employer, etc, but may not be a relative.

A. ESSAY Applicant’s Name: ________________________________ Minimum of 150 words to 250 maximum. The essay should focus on how your proposed program of studies relates to the service of youth to our nation. It is important to also provide how you have incorporated service to others within your life to date. Essays must be authentic in design and goals and must be the original work of the applicant without outside assistance.